Sad world of acedemic opression

Today my mood is at a low, not only due to the winter dark sky and the fact that I’m having my period (tooo much information, but hey, I’m losing blood here!) but also because I watched a very disturbing documentary about anthropologists. It’s called Secrets of the Tribe and is about field research in the amazonian jungle and how rich, asshole anthropologists took advantage of their material excess and their position in the tribes to sexually abuse, perform medical experiments on and make money of the tribe of Yanomamö. It is so fucking sad and disturbing. I study (studied) human ecology and most of my professors are anthropologists. One of whom has on several different occasions married women of different pacific islands, where he did his field work. I’ve always been allured by anthropology yet I have never studied it. Something has always turned me off the idea and maybe it’s my womenly instinct telling me to stay away from this line of academic perversion. Seriously, men go to far away “savage” places, where naked women are thrown around like merchandise and they have the most dough, it’s only natural that they take part in the local market. And you know, when in rome you rape little children.

One of the interviewed in the documentary had himself married a girl when she was about 11. He seemed to have no problem with that. He seemed to just sit there going “hey it was the 60’s!” But the most disturbing fact is the case of Jacques Lizot, a pedophile sent, encouraged and sponsored by the Elvis of anthropology, Claude Levi-Strauss. He had a sanctuary of little boys in the jungle, that he paid with whatever he brought in his second plane full of goods. Members of the Yanomamö tribe tells us all about it in the end of the documentary, how they had been promised machetes and other useful tools if they went and worked for Lizot. They had no idea what kind of work he had in mind. But the rest of the expeditions members did, Levi-Strauss knew, even the missionaries knew but they didn’t think that his personal life concerned them!                             !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excuse me? You are a person of god you say? You have read the bible and it says “when children are sold cheaply to rich frenchmen, turn the other cheek”?

All this makes me think of that professor, referring to his different pacific islands wives and a feeling of disgust rise when I think of the classroom and the innocent beginner texts idolizing Levi-Strauss. I am so sick of powerful rich men using the world as their playground. So tired of them hiding behind titles and theory. So tired of their useless academic bickering because that’s what this all boiled down to. Anthropologists at war with one another about data, about ethics, about who did what when and in what field, cultural biology or childrapeology. The fact that they, by their mere presens ruined hundreds of lives and the future of the tribe was not discussed of course, only if they pointed the finger saying “well yeah HE did, but I didn’t!”. I want to go to the university in Lund and just have a good old school shooting in the institution of anthropolgy. Not a good idea since my landlady and friend works there….but at least I will insult that disgusting professor when, IF, I go back to the human ecology lecture. In the mean time I’ll just shake my head in contempt.

Lesson of today, don’t become an anthropologist, mind your own business and marry women over 18. With their consent.